Tuesday, September 11, 2018

En Español H to H H & H Challenge

Septiembre esta aqui, el Clima perfecto
aun no hace frio y ya no hace tanto calor
un Mes de Cambios

Empieza a haber una mezcla de varias
festividades como Halloween

Se mezcla el Verano con el Otoño, dando paso
a el Invierno, en algunos lugares ya se pueden  sentir que el aire frio conquista el ambiente


¿Y que pasa con las Personas sin Techo?

¿Que Pasaria si aun que sea una de esas personas pudiera ser ayudada por ti y de forma directa? de tu propia Mano, para de alguna forma lidiar mejor con la Temporada fria que apenas inicia.

Seria increible tanto para ti como para la persona que recibe un detalle de tu propia mano

Cuando decides hacer una donación vía terceras personas, realmente note llvas ningun tipo de sensación al respecto, muy pocas veces puedes conocer al beneficiario finalquerecibira esa Donacion.

Sabemos que hay muchas Organizaciones sin animo de lucro que ayudan a muchas personas y causas; pero que tal te sentaria poder dar tu Donacion Cara a Cara, de Mano a Mano?

Que sentimientos crearia en ti el dar directamente un regalo a esta persona necesitada?

Un momento de encuentro para hacerle saber que a alguien le importa

No pude haber ninguna comparación con ver su rostro cuando se le obsequia algo a estar personas directamente; tiene que ser algo grandioso

Nunca pense en tener un alcance tan grande de como sociedad poder alcanzar a tantas personas en cualquier lugar del mundo

Hay por ahi muchos Challenges que se hacen vía internet, y algunos divertidos pero sin espíritu, que tal crear un Challenge que de verdad valga la pena y que sea muy positivo

He llamado este movimiento
"The H to H H and H Challenge"
"Hand to Hand - Hope and Help Challenge"
(Esp; De Mano a Mano - Esperanza y Ayuda Challenge)

He creado varios diseños o ilustraciones con mensajes en prendas de Ropa y en Varias plataformas en linea donde podras encontrar varios productos como Sudaderas, Chamarras Ligeras o Camisetas para que si tienes la posibilidad de unirte a este Challenge escojas unaprenda y la puedas regalar a quien tu consideres lo necesita

Lo mensajes de impresion son tambíen para que tu escojas el mas oportuno y el que lo lleva puesto tenga algo que mostrar a los que lo llegan a ver

Se que este movimiento no resolvera el problema en el cual estan estas personas pero podemos crear un movimiento muy positivo

Tambien se que todos cuidamos loq eu con esfuerzo hemos ganado, cada centavo / centimo que nos a costado ganar, cuando no se puede, pues no se puede

Como puedes ver este movimiento igualmente esta en Ingles y estare recibiendo cualquier fotografia o video o cualquier comentario positivo que gustes compartir con losdemas sobre este movimiento
Lo estare posteando en ste blog,creando unapagina exclusivamente para este proposito
Con tu permiso publicare lo que me envias

Gracias por ayudar

Abajo encontraras una Pagina n la cual ya estan cargados algunos diseños en Español, esta empresa de impresión de ropa esta en Bilbao, España

Nota: la empresa de impresion es solo una plataforma para llegar a mas personas, de ninguna manera esta involucrada en la razon ni ni en el Movimiento creado por mi

Esta pagina "Camiseta i Media" se ubica en España por lo tanto su servicio de envíos es especialmente valido para toda Europa

Si estas en otro País o requieres que este sea enviado a otros Paises fuera de la Union Europea consulta esta otra pagina donde encontraras otras 3 Plataformas en Linea basada en varios Paises alrededor del Mundo

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Camiseta i Media

Monday, September 10, 2018

Leo Rodríguez Chronography

Just for Fun I will be posting my day to day Experiences

(not everyday maybe but a few times a week)

My Objective is for anyone who is interested in my personal life to get to know me better and not only my work or my on-line stores

I also wish to be an inspiration for those who sometimes feel the Universe is making their life just Too Damn Hard

So let's get to it

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My Work Place

Not much now, Working on it NON Stop

Until I Reach My Goals

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Thank You All Who Follows me

500 Followers on my Instagram

That is Awesome after a Month and a Half


Today's Favorite Song (click on the image) 

That's It. Can't Nobody Hold Me Down

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It is actually Friday the 28th because I've finish Up Loading one of my Favourites Collections "Eat Me Now Collection" at 3:30 am

Fine Art America

Loaded and Finished Collection:

Eat Me Now Collection (30 illustrations)

Click on the Image Below to go and take a look to this Store

Today's Favorite Video (click on the image) 
Every time I see Rocky Balboa I just know I'm going to KO any thing and anyone who does't bring positivism to my Life and Work and of course fell Motivated All Day

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I feel so Good Today Lots of Editing and Uploading

 Fine Art America

Loaded and Finished Collection:

Christmas Collection (72 illustrations)

Click on the Image Below to go and take a look to this Store

Today's Favorite Song (click on the image) 
First song I found in my Library to shake it up and wake up

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After a Long Weekend Working with Little Sleep I've got a Lot of Work Done in my On-Line Store

Fine Art America

Loaded and Finished Collections:

Landscapes and Scenery Collection (40 illustrations)

Wild Life Collection (70 illustrations)

Full Color Street Art Graffiti Collection (20 illustrations)

Black and White Street Art Collection (20 illustrations)

Electric Street Art Collection (20 illustrations)

Halloween Collection (16 illustrations)

Click on the Image Below to go and take a look to this Store

Today's Favorite Song (click on the image) 
I'm in a Romantic Mode Again Today, 2 Oldies 

Almost 500 clean Followers in my Instagram, no Short Cuts, 
in a clean way Only

Thank You All

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Just Finish the Love is in the Air Collection

This Collection has been Made for Couples since a half of a Heart has part of a Phrase that it has to be completed with the other half of Heart

When you are hugging your partner it is Complete 

Click on the Image Below to go to Store

Today's Favorite Song (click on the image) 
I'm in a Romantic Mode Today 2 Oldies Song

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Just finish uploading Red Bubble Graffiti Full Color Collection to my 
Social Media and my Google + account

My Google + Has every Gallery I upload in to my Social Media

Nice Day Today here in Cozumel, after 5 days of rain the Sun finally came out, shopping day of the week at the Supermarket

I love to cook so today I've just made this Lentils Spanish Stile 
"Lentejas a la Riojana", just like my father teach me to cook them, delicious; if you like to learn how to cook this plate I live the link to the recipe, sorry it's in spanish, easy with subtitles

 Today's Favorite Song (click on the image) 
More than a Song it's a Bachata Dance from some great Teachers

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4am just finishing the load up of the Spanish Store with the Collection 

"The H to H H and H Challenge"
"Hand to Hand - Hope and Help Challenge"
(Esp; De Mano a Mano - Esperanza y Ayuda Challenge)

Today's Favorite Song (click on the image)

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1 month after Promoting on Instagram

Almost 300 Real Followers

Thank You to all that People all over the World who Follow's me

And I say Real Because I didn't used any other method than Posting and Hashtags 

Going Up

Today's Favorite Song (click on the image) (if you like Salsa, Real Salsa NO BS)


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Finish loading up to my Stores with the
The Hand to Hand - Hope and Help Challenge
H to H - H and H Challenge

Finished by 4am NYC time

I love the way it looks in my stores

It looks amazing and I hope We'll be able to reach the goal of helping
The Homeless and anyone in need of Help

Spread Shirt Store                 Tee Spring Store


Red Bubble Store

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

H toH - H & H Challenge

September is here, the perfect weather, it’s not cold yet or too hot, a month of changes

Starting to smell like pumpkins and turkeys

Fall just mix with Summer and gives way to winter; and even know winter time still a few months away, cold weather stars to conquer the air


¿what about the homeless?

What if they can get something from You and 
directly from your hands that will help them get through the cold season

And how would it be to help a Homeless face to face?

 When you donate anything via third parties you don’t actually know or have a feeling, or even know who is the person that finally get’s what you Donate.

I know there are several Non Profit Organizations that provide Help for the Homeless and I am glad that so many people are helping that way; 
but how will it be the feeling of giving help from your own hand? 
How will it feel to see the face of that human being when you give them a present? 
a moment of kindness, a sign to show their soul that another human being cares

No comparison to see their face when someone like you self give them something in person and for them to see you; must be a great moment.

I never actually thought of doing something like this, a movement that will reach so many people anywhere

There are so many challenges going on all over the net, why can we not do a very positive challenge?

So I call this challenge 
The H to H - H & H Challenge
Hand to Hand - Hope & Help - Challenge

I’ve made a vast number of designs in different 
On-Line Places where you can find Sweater, Hoodies, T-Shirts, Shirts and other products you can choose from 
Give the one you can or like the most to anyone you believe needs it
Give a present to a Homeless or anyone who you think needs some help to fight the seasons 
coming up.

The quotes I made in the Designs are also a message for those who carry it

It will not solve the problem completely and I know we are all working to make every single penny but this world it’s already tough enough for some people,one of the best thing to do it’s to create a positive moment for both sides.

So let’s get all together and fulfill this challenge
Please send me anything you like to share in and will post it here in my Blog, it can be Videos, Writings, Photos or anything you like to send me

Let me know if you need some more information about it

God bless you all

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Below You will Find 3 Different 
On Line Places where you can Find Dozens of Product and 
it's own Galleries

Quotes by Leo Rodriguez and/or searched for by him 15 Designs Available

Let’s help the Homeless in this coming up cold season

H to H means = “Hand to Hand”

H & H means = “Hope and Help”

H to H  H & H Challenge

Hand to Hand Hope and Help Challenge

Designs by Leo Rodriguez on 09/08/2018

If you like this designs and want them modified in some way, please let me know and I will do it for you, any of the hundreds of designs I have in my On Line Places

Hashtags for this Campaign      #HtoHHandHChallenge      #HtoHHandH

Help me to share and help as many people as we can

My Blog to learn more: http://digitalartleorodriguez.blogspot.com/2018/09/h-toh-h-h-challenge.html


Nº 1 - Spread Shirt Site


H to H – H and H Challenge

The fun thing about this site *Spread Shirt* is that you can modify The Image and You can Also add more text and write anything you like

World Wide Shipping Service

Printed in The USA

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Nº 2 - Tee Spring Site


H to H – H and H Challenge

In *TeeSpring* the Designs are not inside a back image so the Text is printed right in the Product

World Wide Shipping Service

Printed in The USA

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Nº 3 - Red Bubble Site


H to H – H and H Challenge

In *Red Bubble* you will find an easy to get Platform since they have 14 different Manufactures World Wide 

World Wide Shipping Service

Printed in Various Countries
(USA, Europe, Australia and More)

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Give one of these gifts or donation to someone who need it, a homeless a poor person, a person who is struggling and may need some cover trough the cold season and give it to them in person

Yo can even wrap it up as a gift, that will be a Gran Finally

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My Social Media

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Spread Shirt Gallery

(this are only Samples - There are more than 30 products for each Design)

En Español H to H H & H Challenge

Septiembre esta aqui, el Clima perfecto aun no hace frio y ya no hace tanto calor un Mes de Cambios Empieza a haber una mezcla ...